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The Commune
Location | Northern Polentic |
Capital City | Накра (Nacra) |
Largest City | Накра (Nacra) |
National Language | Russian (Official) North Caucasian, Circassian, Altaic, Turkic, Inuit Languages |
Official Script | Kazakh Cyrillic |
Government | Dictatorship |
Ethnic Groups | TBA |
Religion | State Atheism (de-jure) Secularism (de-facto) Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Inuit Religions |
Denonym | Communean |
Head of State | Shali Gazisishir |
Founder | Vincent Yrmyr (Vyrvin) |
Legislature | National Assembly |
Head of the National Assembly | General Secretary |
Population | 25.000.000 |
GDP (Total) | TBD |
GDP (Per capita) | TBD |
Currency | TBD |
HDI | 0.802 (Moderate) |
Internet TLD | .cn |
The United Provinces of The Commune, known as The Commune, is a country located in the North Polentic region.