Location | Belvedair Peninsula |
Capital City | C.C.O. Sixaem |
Largest City | C.C.O. Sixaem |
National Language | English (primary and state-mandated), French, Czech, German |
Official Script | Standard Latin |
Government | Autocracy (except Médavel-État) |
Ethnic Groups | TBA |
Religion | Secularist government |
Denonym(s) | Ordonnian |
Head of Administration | Meaxis V. d. Shwab-Zasnezeny |
Vice-Head of Administration | Bright KOI |
Legislature | Central Administration |
Population | 110.449.031 |
GDP (Total) | M$ 5.538 Trillion |
GDP (Per capita) | M$ 50.140 |
Currency | Meaxist Unit (M$) (Mainland) Universal Currency (U¢) (A.P.s) |
HDI | 0.927 (Very High) |
Internet TLD | .or |
Ordonnia, officially known as the Great Empire of Ordonnia, is a country located in Belvedair Peninsula. It is the original creation of Meaxis and is the country representation of the group of the same name.
Before the formation of the state
Main article: Ordonnia (lore)
Ordonnia was born as a corporation on 9th of May, 1966 (MNWD: 9th of May, 2017) as the as a mining company in the region of Obriterre of a new resource called Siroxite. As the company grew in power, so did its finances.
The company expanded into various services, such as transports, mass distribution, and civil engineering. The most lucrative works that the company have performed however were the exploitation of Siroxite mines across the countries it had influence over.
Eventually, Meaxis came to have political ambitions. Backed by his incredible amounts of money and the relative good he had brought to the countries that he operated in, he started his own political party, the Meaxist Party. Its ideas were of free healthcare and education, political reform, and improved services.
With Meaxis's popularity being already high enough, a considerable of civil servants or elected officials joined the Meaxist Party.
Consolidation into the Empire
Once the Party reached an influence considerable enough over the countries that comprised the now territory of the Mainland, soft coups happened where the power was taken away from the leader in place, often with no resistance (and sometimes even popular support). Meaxis took inspiration from how Napoléon had built an empire of his own, and proclaimed the Great Empire of Ordonnia.
The countries often retained somewhat of an existence, often as regions (such as the regions of Žemeknirů), but would also sometimes suffer heavy modifications from the new state, such as anglicization. The major exception being the country of Médavel, which was already ruled by a king of Meaxis's lineage that served as a puppet for Meaxis himself, a simple transfer of power happening with Meaxis being declared the new "Roy".
The Great Consolidation started with the city state of now Sixaem, which was already a city that Meaxis had much influence over. Followed the state of Médavel (Médavel-État), the Bas-Coeur, and then with the High Plains (formerly the Royaume des Hautes Plaines). Various other states were peacefully implemented and often had their culture diminished.
The only state to pose a problem to the Great Consolidation was Žemeknirů, as its rich culture and folklore was in complete opposition with the nature of the Empire. An accord was later found where Žemeknirů would not suffer any assimiliation other than being now administered by the Empire.

Present day
As the Consolidation went in almost complete peace due to widespread popular support, the Empire started with a very advantageous financial situation, where it would also be the main company within itself. However, as to avoid turning into a corpocracy that would become inefficient in its functioning, the country was split into three bodies:
- The Office of the Roy, which is an office held by Meaxis and a hereditary power of rule over Médavel. It is mostly ceremonial.
- The Central Administration, which is the executive, legislative and judicial power concatenated as one. Indeed, the Empire does not have any seperation between its powers. The C.A. is also held by Meaxis as the Head of Administration. Each province has its own Central Administration.
- The Company, or in common lingo "Ordonnia", which is the corporation that the Empire was created from. While on paper they are supposed to stay seperate, often the Company will be contracted to fullfill missions of the Administration.
Provinces & Regions
The empire is comprised of three provinces, the Meaxist Mainland, the Autonomous Province of Cétrogran (A.P.O. Cétrogran) and the Autonomous Province of Nouvelle-Sancy (A.P.O. Nouvelle-Sancy). Within these provinces, further subdivisions exist: they are the "regions".
The Mainland
The Mainland is the main part of Ordonnia. It comprises the economic centers of Ordonnia, such as C.C.O. Sixaem, or Médavel.
Main article: Bas-Coeur
The province of Bas-Coeur is at the south east of the C.C.O. Sixaem. It features the city of Réclavel, and it is the home to Obriměst and to the Obrie-Obfin International Facility.
C.C.O. Sixaem
Main article: C.C.O. Sixaem
The Capital City of Sixaem, shortened as C.C.O. in official writing, is the economic center of the Empire. It is not its historic center however and is a modern city, built by the Corporation before the Great Consolidation.
Its notable monuments are The MeaxisNetwork Headquarters, Sixaem Central, and the Obrie-Obfin International Facility on its outskirts.
Isle de l'Espérance
Main article: Isle de l'Espérance
The Isle de l'Espérance ("Island of the Hope", with "Island" written in old French) is an island on the east coast of the Mainland that serves as a vacation resort and as the main shipping port with communication with Cétrogran and Nouvelle-Sancy.
It is considered to be of the mainland, but is not connected to the Mainland, except by the Bridge of L'Éspérance which connects back to Bas-Coeur.
Main article: Médavel-État
The State of Médavel (or Médavel-État) is the historic city of Ordonnia. It holds rich culture and tradition, with the Head of the State being the Roy which holds all and supreme power before God per the former country's constitution.
Meaxis himself comes from the Royal family of Médavel, and it is widely believed that Médavel's previous Roy was under the control of Meaxis. As the consolidation happened, the Roy abdicated, and gave power to Meaxis.
Its capital is the city of Médavel, which is a city dating back thousands of years.
A.P.O. Cétrogran
Main article: A.P.O. Cétrogran
At an unknown date after the Consolidation, the Empire acquired territory on what used to be Sancy island. That territory came to be known as Cétrogran, a stretch of land seperated of the rest of the island by the Mur des Trente Mètres (Wall of the Thirty Meters). It is unknown what is happening in Cétrogran but it is frequently referenced as a "land of new opportunities".
It is where Leafy Soda and its family of products are fabricated.
A.P.O. Nouvelle-Sancy
Main article: A.P.O. Nouvelle-Sancy
Later, after Sancy was dissolved, the Empire acquired more land that was set as an autonomous province ("Province Autonome de Nouvelle-Sancy"). However, that land is partially left in abandon by the Central Administration, as it does not have any valuable resources (except its people which are actively being sent to Cétrogran).